Guard Rail For Vehicles
Guard Rail can provide professional guard rail systems to the homeowner or contractor. Available in wood or steel for installation at commercial developments, placement along treacherous residential driveways or wherever control of a hazardous condition is required. Many locations accessible to the public have guard rails to protect against falls. Any open and severe sudden change in elevation can result in an accident with serious injury. Liability claims against the property owner make installation of appropriate protection a wise investment. In fact – for structures, guard rails are generally required by code for locations with a drop of 30 inches or greater, such as decks. For vehicles, in addition to the ‘off limits/use caution’ warning provided by visual recognition and their protection of steep embankments with the intention of deflecting vehicles, guard rails will also help keep a car from flipping over as it slides along it. Our most popular guard rail system is either a notched or mortised post 8x8x5’4″ of treated Southern Yellow Pine with 4x8x10 foot treated rails most frequently used in parking areas. Depending on the level of protection required, we have a guard rail suited for your site!