Certified Safe!
Illusions Vinyl Railing
The primary benefit of the ICC-ES AC174 Certification is safety. Most locations throughout the country require that decks 24 inches and greater above grade be outfitted with certified deck railing……….not the cheap ‘porch railing’ carried by many home improvement centers. To provide you the assurance that you are buying a product that is safe for all railing applications, the Illusions Vinyl Railing System has been extensively tested by independent testing facilities to pass the most rigorous building and residential codes in the country. There are many pretenders in the market and you don’t want to get caught with an inferior vinyl railing product. Provide your family with the best possible vinyl railing……. the Illusions Vinyl Railing System. We also carry matching vinyl railing gates as well as a selection of vinyl railing auxiliary A.D.A. hand/grab rails to make your installation compliant with the latest building code revisions. Please visit our ‘Products’ page to see the other high quality fence materials we carry! Contact us and request quote for materials or click here for a certifier professional installer in the Hudson Valley area of New York and in northern New Jersey.
Photo courtesy of Deckscapes
The Illusions Vinyl Railing System (ICC-ES ESR-2995 CCRR-0143) tested, approved, and certified for the highest building codes in the nation including:
- IRC – The 2006 International Residential Code
- IBC – The 2006 International Building Code
- BOCA – 1999 BOCA National Building Code
Illusions vinyl deck railings are available in 6, 8 and 10 foot level rails and either 6 or 8 foot stair railing. They can also be ordered with your choice of Traditional or Colonial balusters. You may also choose a Classic color ; White, Beige, Gray or Clay, a wood grain finish or any of the Grand Illusions colors!
Illusions vinyl railing keeps you, your family and friends safe. Why take a chance with the wellness of those you love? Illusions railing has been ‘Certified Safe’. International Codes Council (ICC) testing and evaluation unit has certified that these vinyl railings are capable of withstanding a 200 pound horizontal impact. SAFE! That’s the way home should be………..why have it any other way?