Starling pool code 54 inch 3 rail aluminum pool fence with arched top gate. Illusions Vinyl Fence style V300-6 in Classic Gray is also seen.

Illusions vinyl fence style V352-4TR. Contemporary spaced thru rail picket with dog ear picket caps in Classic White.

Heron Style two rail BOCA code compliant aluminum pool fence. This OnGuard material is double punched for racking

Grand Illusions vinyl fence in Rosewood style V300-6 T&G privacy panels the we shipped to North Dakota

Illusions Vinyl Deck and Stair railing. Low voltage lighting has wires hidden inside the post sleeves.

V300 T&G privacy panels with V3215D scalloped top double drive gate made by Illusions Vinyl fence. Shown in Classic White

Grand Illusions Style V707 - Scalloped Victorian picket fence in Grand Illusions Walnut wood grain finish.

Eight foot tall V300-8 in Grand Illusions Black that we shipped to Nebraska for use at a commercial location.

Eastern White Cedar 4 foot tall post and rail fence with black 1x1 welded wire make a code compliant pool enclosure

Grand Illusions Vinyl Fence style V3701-6 used as a hot tub enclosure that we shipped to Sault Ste. Marie Michigan.